point of no return

there's a saying: Give until it hurts.
i want to give, not only until it hurts, but until it goes beyond pain. i want to give until i hurt enough to produce joy.
after all, what's so noble about giving until it hurts? that only proves our limitations, our selfish boundaries. it's like saying: i'll give until it's too hard and then i'll stop.
no, we should give until we break ... until our skin cracks open and our spirit filters out, free and laughing.
the point of no return.
the point of being one with Christ.
Dig the picture girl! and I agree with your blog -- theres's a reason why sorrow and joy are so inter-connected, we cannot have one without the other, nor would we maybe recognize one, if it weren't for the other, perhaps the point of no return is just being big enough to understand that we need to give it all, uninhibited by ourselves - letting God work through us, because, afterall, we cannot do it alone.
That is extreme. I only like to give untill im slightly uncomfortable... Well, you are amazing.
i'd never realized the limitations of that saying before, as it just sounded good. but now you've opened my eyes - and i've got to start living it too... your blogs lately, and as always, have been beautiful. thank you!
for me, i don't even strive to give past the point of pain most of the time. i need to be willing to take up my cross. at the same time, i need to know that only Christ is able to give in a super-human way. only Christ can go beyond the limits. all I can do is give when He asks me to, and trust that He will provide. knowing that i'll never sacrifice to the extent that Christ did causes me to fall back on His grace and rest in His providence.
I have often, lately thought I'd like to be more generous, but, I'm very much susceptible to pain - I don't think it gets any easier. You teach a lot in your blogs and your blog commenters too. Thanks.And then there's the difference between emotional pain and physical pain - which is worse?
Hello, I am a chronic giver, by in the ways of; an inability to say "no" to the point of self damage. It was only aparent to my family, my kids, my dog that I gave of myself beyond exhaustion, gave to those who couldn't physically, who wouldn't, but I gave to those who seemed to attach an ambilical cord to me and in this drew from me their goals, as I put in 70 hour work days, and, then eventualy went home. Most days I send my men home at 4:30 pm so as I could work through the evening, night, morning until they arrived the next morning or at times would see them off for the weekends, as I stayed until they came monday. Yes, there were nights at hoome in my chair, in my coveralls, only to be chasing sunrises in my work truck and on the jobs four hours before the men rolled in. This was for them customers, clients, friends, family and strangers, who didn't know each other, who each had there reasons why - this must get done or that is always behind, to why can't you get your boys to work late? I give to them boys/men the time it takes to face their families, your church, your nieghbors and show them the love of giving.
I have an operation that will save me from this life of pain, deformity and morphine, but I am a single 46 yr old father of a 24 yr old severely disabled son whom I have raised since birth and care for still, and alone too, and if by taking this operation, I risk the odds of a 65% chance of failure and death on the operating table. So, I say no to this operation, just to be certain that my son will never go to an institution if I don't make it. I give him my life and I'll just live with this aggressive disease and let it twist and rip me apart while I give my son the life him and I have loved since he was born. Yes, know I can;t work any more and it is my son who attaches hos abilical cord to me know since he is a 24 yr old child, my best friend.
I just wanted to say that no one should give until they are torn apart. It's what I did, worked myself to death for others, its not worth it. Give, but in a whole and healthy, non guilty manner as my brother Christ did.
Your site is wonderful.
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