ice-cube moments

i want to give up! my screams electrify the night air. rustle my husband's hair. i run barefoot into blackness gasping daring life to stop me.
the little girl yelled at me, hung up the phone. for trying to excavate my heart. for spending three years on my knees saying pretty please love God.
she spat in my face, turned on her heel. denies love is real, demands to be steel in the face of human kindness.
i've always believed people can change. for the first time, i felt someone was beyond hope.
shake the dust off your sandels, keep walking, my lover told me. wrapped arms around me, a soft blanket in that ice-cube moment.
reminding me i am but a sower in a long stretch of field. keep sowing. don't look back. someone else will come along to water, and another, to harvest.
she's but a seed, fighting against warm Sonlight. dare i believe she'll one day flower?
oh em, this is sad, I ache with you, but we should never stop praying, we dont' have to even like some people, just have compassion and love... Jesus was spat on, hurled at and killed, and he still weeps.
I love you! Keep on being strong.
Dare you not?
'Welcome to ministry...' (!)
But don't give up - it's worth it! Even though we don't see the results now, 'twill be more obvious in eternity.
This is also why we need peers / supporters like your man.
And it throws us back into God's arms, which is where we need to be anyway.
You're making a difference!
did you paint the angry girl? i love it.
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