korea's call

as we prepare to unwravel the next scroll of our lives the excitement is building. korea's sweet call is ringing in our ears and we're overwhelmed by offers. do you want a dog? let us pay for your airfare, your housing... a city enfolded in mountains? coming right up! four weeks of paid vacation so you can visit the cultured corners of the Orient? don't let us stop you!
praise the Lord my soul is singing, what an adventure lies before us! last night trent asked me if i had to choose between a place where God could use us, a place that would be best for our marriage, or a place with ideal amenities, which would i choose? i opted for our marriage, as only then can God use us.
the fire in my bones is fierce and once again i'm digging my heels into today, trying to hold myself back from hurtling headlong into tomorrow.
Oh, Em,
This totally makes me EXCITED for you guys!!! God has amazing things in store for you! my heart is literally 'flowing with joy' for what you will accomplish together =) God Bless you...
I wonder if mothers ever get quite as excited as their adventurous offspring to have them go off adventuring - even thogh I admit you were doing a great job here of trying to convince me. I'm mostly thankful for the choice you made to Trent's question. Priorities are important. Beautiful pictures with your beautiful words Em. love you
never before has South Korea had the opportunity of seeing God's love and truth in play mode the way its people will... soon!
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