today is 4-20. for most of us, that's either a time or a date. for my sister, it's her birthday. for teenagers, it's just one more reason to light a joint.

the term began as a reference to smoking at a particular time of day -- 4:20. it's also the day that jimi hendrix, jim morrison and janis joplin died -- all of whom were known for being partial to the joint (or worse). supposedly april 20 is also the best day to plant marijuana, and when the Grateful Dead toured, they always stayed in Room 420.
when my girls reminded me of their 'national holiday' yesterday in the car as we foraged through fundraising, i stopped in my tracks with the incriminating fact that: we had planned club on National Weed Day. as youth workers, we had forgotten to be in 'touch' with our little friends and simply stuck to our 'schedule.'
'no one will be at club, emily,' my girls kindly informed me. 'we'll be ripped out of our minds from morning till night.'
i sat there wanting to rip out my mind and asked myself, why again do we think we're qualified?
if only these tiny adults could catch the waft of the spirit; pot would lose its allure and they would come running, intoxicated by the love that had drawn them.
Hey girl,
we can only hope -- and pray
love you!
We still had lots at club, so we are more in touch then we sometimes think.
hi beautiful!
here's a portion of King David's song (no. 103) that your friends and ours will soon find out with the Lord's Spirit opening their hearts and eyes to His superior grace and lasting peace.. a high that won't end!
...my soul, bless God, don't forget a single blessing! He forgives your sins - every one. He heals your diseases - every one. He redeems you from hell - saves your life! He crowns you with love and mercy - a paradise crown. He wraps you in goodness - beauty eternal. He renews your youth - you're always young in His presence.
God makes everything come out right; he puts victims back on their feet... God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he's rich in love...
as high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who (honour) him. and as far as sunrise is from sunset, he has separated us from our sins...
God's love... is ever and always, eternally present to all who (revere) him.
I love you, Emily! and thankfully we know that as we honour and listen to the Lord's guidance and assurance, He will continue to draw His beloved kids to Himself for eternity..
He'll do the comforting, convincing and revealing as we do the believing and loving - which you are :) don't give up! He's with you aLL the way!
(Psalm 103:2-6,8,11,12,17 "The Message" Bible paraphrase)
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