bleeding sunrise

(this is a story i told my young life girls awhile back; one of them asked me to write it down for her, so here ya go)
shattered on the floor. his cell phone lay in pieces, i stood over it letting little tears escape. pathetic remorse for what i’d done. his phone made me do it, i told myself. a symbol of his work, i’d felt ignored, hurt, and so i’d hurled it. across the room, into the wall, it had snapped.
he stood silent, my lover and friend. he must be angry, so furious. what would he do? i cowered by the computer tears drip drip dripping on the key pad. fearful. anticipating: rage. finding: his arms wrapped around me, voice whispering, ‘i love you.’ redemption: like a sunrise, bleeding orange and red. remorse wrung my heart dry. his grace made me want to try, again.
Hey girl,
I really like this, it's a real picture of mercy and compassion, that is sometimes really hard to find, and sometimes harder to receive.
Love you,
I still do...
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