fighting failure

to fight the wrath of failure and
rejoice in tiny victories
to be a pink-cheeked child trying to walk
tumbling, eyes big and starry
pushing herself up, bum first, trying again
to be resilient, able to bounce back from shock,
resolute, determined to conquer the thing that's
conquering me
resting, knowing i'm perfect as i am
blemishes and all,
i'll gracefully fall
and remember the call
upon my life
-- to fight
Hey Em -- I totally dig your choice of photo for this blog....thanks for your wisdom words =)
love you,
I love the visual of pushing herself up, bum first, trying again. That is exactly the kind of never say die attitude you need to become a snow boarder.
In our "Wild At Heart" study, John Eldredge was reminding us of Jesus being the vine, us the branches; "apart from Me you can do nothing." (Jn 15:5) When I fall or fail, I'm encouraged to know the Father extends me grace, and Jesus' strength is available to help me up again.
BTW, always excellent choice of pictures, Em!
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