my last week

traffic trickles by while Bono sings about love on my stereo. it's my last week of work. my last week of driving past the big man on the tiny bench reading his book. my last week of roaring silently at the crawling pace of the cars, or the impenetrable presence of a slow-plodding train. my last week of laughing with co-workers, marveling over their ideosyncracies, fuming at the low-grade technology or my low-paid salary. my last week of staring out this window onto pavement, watching the sun paint rings on the grey slabs and dreaming of a day when i no longer have to work. my last week of gluing together words, sentences, paragraphs, of breathing new life into God's old story. traffic trickles by and my tears trickle down at the thought of my last week.
I hope I've made it clear how proud I am of the job you've done there, Emily. I think you have been a perfect fit, and I know that many people will have been reached by your poetic articulation and love for God.
k, now you've made me cry =(
I will miss you like crazy!!!! But you know -- you've given SO much of yourself into that place, and I will be eternally grateful that God let us meet! And in heaven I bet you'll have a line miles long of people who want to say thanks because your stories made a difference between life and death for them. You're amazing, and I love you! And we'll keep in touch anyways --- K???
(whew -- nothing like crying in the morning)
It's the end of a chapter, and the beginning of the next book in the series....
Love, A.
aww thank you ammee! i love you and know we'll always be tight. em.
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