little legacy

i stare down at my polka-dotted socks
and ponder legacy
i want to be remembered
(yet not for who i am)
i slip and slide in my slippers,
dig in the dirt
prune raspberries, scratch my arms
scrub my toes with soap and water,
play poker in the moonlight
all the while wanting to be recalled as
a stylish lady
a woman of class
a graceful girl
tripping over my own ego
i dismiss any thoughts of grace
and curl up beside a man who thinks i'm perfect
(in a polka-dotted kind of way)
i'm his little legacy
My little legacy. Ideals and reality sometimes are far apart
hey em,
as always, i love to visit you here, if if i don't often "speak".
i'll give you a call when i'm back in canada!
You are your mother's daughter -- I love it poka dots and graceful lady - only you can do it Em. It's good for me right now esp. when I'm my least graceful or elegant - it carries on anyway. love you.
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