finding ourselves

we're all looking for ourselves. God must laugh, as his people turn inside-out trying to uncover the 'real me'.
when all it takes is one step away from the mirror, and one step closer to the dirt.
because that is what we are. dirt.
we were made from it, and to it, we shall return.
instead of looking for ourselves, look for the creator who makes such inquisitive creatures from ... dirt.
he continues his role as potter. taking this piece of dirt, making it into seeds of kindness; taking that piece and making it a particle of 'peace.' implanting both in our hearts.
for we are nothing, without him who made us.
and in finding we are nothing, we find him -- and ultimately,
There is something melancholy about this blog, although truth (I agree with)there seems to be a sense of self-sadness/anger. We are made from the earth (dirt) but we are also flowers - beautifully colored, trees - stretching heavenward, pillars - standing strong. We are nothing without him who makes us, but he made us in his image, and he loves us...dirty little people...looking up into his face and pleading for his love...I hope you realize how much He does love us, and how beautiful He will always see us as.
I'm glad He made you -- even if it was (like me) from dirt! Amazing job! The Potter is obviously still creating through you.
"He who humbles (lit. close to the dirt) himself will be exalted."
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