addicted to the sky

i am a lone lark, circling fields of canola, trying desperately to land without causing a stir.
my wings carry me far from feeling, far from needing anyone, keeping me afloat above a world of hungry people.
i make patterns like an airplane, feeling high on ideals and low about myself.
to need someone; to let myself fall... to cut my wings so i might feel the gentle stroke of a human hand. to be lifted up.
so many are so good at walking the earth -- can't i just stay up here alone, flying haphazardly in circles forever? in the end to die, fall, at the feet of no one?
confused i beg God to cut my wings for me! i am addicted to the sky.
I am the American Eagle
Addicted to Thermal Updrafts
That carry me high aloft
I am Alert, aware of enemies
of our Precious Freedoms
Of Speech, Press, & Choice,
and Independent Thought
I am one, of many Snake Hunters!
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