this is us, at camp, 2 years ago.
as of tomorrow, we'll be taking another 40 kids for a week of mountains, music, miracles and memories.
pray for these beautiful children. pray their hearts would unfold in the warm sunshine of God's love, and blossom in his glorious grace.
bless you for caring :)
i'm saying a big thanks! to our Father God whose heart is big enough for the whole of history & who knows how expansive His love truly is!
and i thank Him so often for who you are, Em, for your heart made in His image... such love, for so many!!! :) you're a blessing & you speak worsd of life that we all desperately need to hear. here's to you for believing in me even when at my lowest... beautiful mercy, strong hope. i love ya!!
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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